If you have ever been on a dieting journey you've probably heard of the term, macronutrient aka macros. When I was first starting off I heard about it quite a lot. 

"Count your macros." "Buy a scale for your macros." "There's an app for your macros." 

Although all that is true, it's important to actually understand what macros are and how they can be beneficial. 

Your body needs macronutrients to develop energy. It's what gets you up in the morning and keeps you running throughout the day. These nutrients provide your body with energy measured in the form of calories or kcals. I know the "C" word might be scary for some of you, but I promise, it's the best thing for you.

These are the three types of macronutrients.  


A Carbohydrate is fuel during high intensity exercise. The right carbohydrates in our diet give us usable energy, facilitate healthy digestion, and help support a healthy weight


Protein is a part of organ tissues, muscles, hair. skin, nails, bones, tendons and ligaments. It is involved in metabolic, transport and hormone systems. Proteins make up enzymes that regulate metabolism.


 Fat's role in the body is energy reserve, protects vital organs, and transport fat-soluble vitamins

If you are interested in learning how to cut or count macros, contact me today.