Natalie Redd

Me, Myself & I

Hi! I’m Natalie Redd and I was born in Marquette, Michigan. My parents divorced when I was young and then I moved to Wisconsin with my younger brother and mother. I’ve always been in sports and around the fitness environment growing up. During this time, I had to grow up fast and became independent at a young age. My mom worked full-time and wasn’t around much, so I decided to make the move and live with my dad in Chicago. He was always big into fitness and I spent most of my time in the gyms with him and  worked there throughout my young adult life. As a child, I dealt with bullying and self-esteem issues while moving around to five different high schools.  I’ve always had to be self-sufficient and financially on my own while constantly wondering where my next meal would come from. Without the support from anyone, I had to be motivated to support myself and live on my own.

In my darkest moments, I’ve endured and survived abuse at a few points in my life, often turning to fitness to help rebuild my spirit, my personal strength and confidence.  From my life experiences, I decided to make fitness my career and moved to Southeast Florida where I planted roots, started Natalie Redd Training and my family. Join me on my journey as we navigate the mind, body & soul! 

“I’m a ‘glass half-full’ type of person and I have always chosen to see the good and the light in even the darkest of times. I spent a lot of time by myself, supporting myself and encouraging myself through the hard times and I genuinely felt like fitness was the only thing I had that was for me. It was the one stable thing in my life and the one thing I had control over.”

I am determined and motivated and I have a genuine passion for helping people transform their lives both mentally and physically. Follow me on my journey - I can’t wait to connect with you and hopefully be a part of yours too.


Ace Personal Training Certification
Nesta Certified
Issa Personal Training Certification
(FNC) Fitness Nutrition Coach Certification
Exercise and Physics Certification
Exercise Professional Education
My Major Milestones and Accomplishments In Business and In Life

“Some of my major milestones and accomplishments have been moving past survival mode.” 

The journey to where I am now has not been an easy one. Honestly, I’m still working and striving every single day to do what I love. But, there are a few accomplishments in my story that I am really proud of myself for achieving. One of the biggest that has led me to where I am today. It might seem pretty simple, but the fact that I didn’t give up might be my biggest accomplishment. When the cards were stacked against me, I powered through because this was important to me. I never had a backup plan, I never had anyone help me. Jeeze, I didn’t even have a car when I moved to Naples! I had the most adorable orange and white scooter that got me around until I was able to buy a car. It was me, myself and I. And here I am now, with a great business, wonderful clients and my other proudest accomplishments, my two beautiful children. 



“Natalie is a phenomenal personal trainer . I met her when I had fallen out of physical activity for a while and she not only renewed my drive and interest, but she opened up a whole world of new movement and different fitness modalities for me. She worked with my schedule, nutrition and mindset while showing me how to turn it into a lifestyle. She has a passion for helping others achieve goals and even pushed me beyond what I had set for myself!  I am forever grateful for her knowledge, her dedication to her craft and her clients. She is inspirational!!”

Melissa Columella

“I’ve known Natalie for years! So when I decided to have her train me, I knew I made the best decision ever!!! She got me so motivated, she knows what she’s doing & it shows! She kicked my booty! I was so sore after each day we worked out! I would definitely recommend being trained by her!”

Sophia McHugh

“Paul and I were among Natalie Redd's first clients after she got her certification and have been clients ever since. In the last ten years, we have been privy to the blossoming and growth of an exceptional fitness trainer. She is high energy, enthusiastic, and passes that energy and enthusiasm to everyone she trains. She makes exercise so much fun that her clients come back again and again. It's impossible not to enjoy a Natalie Redd workout.

Natalie has honed her skills well enabling her to work her clients within their capabilities and comfort zones taking into consideration any physical issues they may have. She will always challenge you to reach a little bit further, work a little bit harder and challenge yourself to do the best you possibly can.

Following a recent painful back injury, I was able to get myself pain, drug, and procedure free with diligent daily workouts geared to that goal, a discipline that Natalie instilled in me long ago. According to her, nothing is impossible if you want it and are willing to work for it.

Paul can attest to Natalie's skill in nutrition and diet planning. She worked out a regimen

for him that would get him where he needed to be without feeling deprived. It was healthy, tasty and easy to live with.

I am 73 years young, I am fit and at an ideal weight. My joints are flexible with great range of motion. My muscles are toned and I am as strong as women half my age. I am very proud of what I have accomplished.” 

Suzanne DeBruyne